
Thank you #3217
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Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Set of 24 Cards - $72.00 ($3.00 per card)

1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 # 3220
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of wrongs . . .
Three things will last forever-faith, hope and love
but the greatest of these is Love.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Ephesians 1:18 # 3221
I pray that the eyes of your heart
May be enlightened
In order that you may know
the hope to which God has called you.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Ephesians 2:10 # 3222
We are God’s Masterpiece.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Ephesians 3:17 # 3223
I pray the Christ will be more and more
At home in your hearts
As you trust in him
May your roots go down deep
Into the soil of God’s marvelous love.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Galatians 5:22-23 # 3224
The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Peace, Joy, Patience
Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Greeting Card Sets # 3240
Set of 10 Greeting cards
Choose from Set A or Set B
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Set of 10 Cards - $36.00

Isaiah 40:31 # 3225
Those who wait on the Lord
Will find new strength
They will fly high on wings like eagles
They will run and not grow weary
They will walk and not faint
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Jeremiah 17:7-8 # 3226
Blessed are those who have made the Lord their hope and confidence
They are like trees planted near a stream
With roots that reach deep into the water
They are not bothered by heat or drought
Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Jeremiah 29:11 # 3227
Surely, I know the plans I have for you says the Lord
Plans for your welfare and not for harm
To give you a future with hope.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

John 11:25-26 # 3228
I am the Resurrection and the Life
Those who believe in me
Even though they die like everyone else will live again
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Joshua 1:9 # 3229
Be strong and courageous
Do not be afraid
Do not be discouraged
For the Lord your God
Will be with you
Wherever you go
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Matthew 25:23 # 3230
Well done my good and faithful servant
To those who use well what they are given
Even more will be given and they will have an abundance.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Nehemiah 8:10 # 3239
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Numbers 6:24-26 # 3231
May the Lord bless you and protect you
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you
May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Philippians 1:3 # 3232
I thank my God
Every time I remember you.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Philippians 4:8-9 # 3233
Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right,
pure, lovely admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Psalm 100:5 # 3235
The Lord is good
And His love endures forever
His faithfulness continues through all generations.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Psalm 116:15 # 3236
His loved ones are very precious to him
and he does not lightly let them die.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Psalm 118:24 # 3237
This is the Day the Lord has made
We will Rejoice and be glad in it.
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Psalm 37:4 # 3234
Delight yourself in the Lord
And He will give you
the desires of your heart
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards

Romans 15:13 #3216
May the God of hope
fill you with
all joy and peace
as you trust in him
so that you may
overflow with hope
by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
You can change quantities in the Shopping Cart
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)

What Language Shall I Borrow # 3238
What language shall I borrow
To thank thee dearest friend
For this thy dying sorrow
Thy pity without end?
O make me thine forever
and should I fainting be
Lord let me never never
Outlive my love to thee
Thank you!
You can change quantities in the shopping cart.
Single Card - $4.00
Set of 12 Cards - $44.00 (1 card free)
Call 616-235-2929 for discount on 12+ cards